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Cette entreprise de coussins nomades déménage pour poursuivre son développement fulgurant

This nomadic cushion company is moving to continue its rapid development

By Solène Agnès Published on April 8, 21 - La voix du Midi Lauraguais

In its new eco-responsible premises, located in the artisanal zone of Buisson, in Nailloux, the company Les Petits cadors plans to double its cushion sales in 2021.

The rise continues for Muriel Goudol and Laurent Padiou, at the head of the Petits cadors. This company moved in January 2021 to new premises, located in the artisanal zone of Buisson, in Nailloux.

Specializing in nomadic cushions, she became known by participating in 2019 in the show My invention is worth gold on M6 .

This is far from being the first move for this young company which is developing at breakneck speed. Born in Cintegabelle in 2018, it arrived in the city center of Nailloux in July 2020, in a former automobile garage.

Six months later, here it is installed in a 300 m2 building, still in Nailloux. “We no longer had space,” explains Laurent Padiou. The city center premises were less than 200 m².

An eco-responsible building

The premises of the Buisson artisanal zone were previously occupied by a wood boiler company, now based in Calmont.

This building, equipped with a wood boiler, aims to be eco-responsible through its insulation, its wind turbine which allows it to be almost autonomous and its roof covered with solar panels.

“We plan to double our sales this year”

The other reason for this move, apart from the need for space, was the wish of the Little Cadors to start making their own cushions. To achieve this challenge, the company recruited a seamstress and a workshop coordinator.

A seamstress workshop in Pau was until now responsible for making all the cushions. The Little Cadors receive them empty and all they have to do is fill them and make the closing seam.

“We set ourselves the objective, by the end of the year, of producing 50% of our cushions. As we plan to double our sales this year, it should amount to the same for the seamstresses of Pau,” calculates Laurent Padiou.

Another big change marks the start of the year for Les Petits cadors: the new filling of their cushions.

“Before, our fiber came from selective sorting but we realized that, often, our waste goes to poor countries and then comes back to us once processed. We looked for a company that didn't do that but no one was able to assure us. So we moved towards something else,” explains Laurent Padiou.

A new fiber, made from plastic

Les Petits cadors are now working with a German company which manufactures this fiber from plastic.

This plastic is itself purchased from Plastic Bank, a Canadian company that fights against ocean pollution. “Instead of cleaning the oceans, this company said to itself that it was going to clean at the source, in countries where there is no plastic recycling system,” explains Laurent Padiou.

Plastic Bank uses plastic as currency. It opened stores in less developed countries. “Residents can buy clothes there, pay for medical care or even a telephone plan with plastic,” explains Laurent Padiou. Plastic Bank then takes care of processing this plastic and resells it, for example in Germany

A cushion for long journeys from May

Always with the idea of ​​perfecting its products, the company has also been offering unique designs since the beginning of the year, which cannot be used by other companies. Six new designs will be offered this summer.

At the beginning of May, Les Petits cadors will also offer a new product, as announced by Laurent Padiou, who designed the prototype during the first confinement, a year ago: “We have been asked for it from the start. It's a cushion for plane, train, bus trips... all long journeys in fact. »

READ THE FULL ARTICLE on the Voix du Midi Lauragais website

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