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Intégrez la sieste dans votre quotidien en 5 jours : un guide pratique - JOUR 5

Integrate naps into your daily life in 5 days: a practical guide - DAY 5

D5 - A moment to yourself

For this last day, start your session by telling yourself that it is an investment in your well-being and your productivity . The benefits of naps are numerous:

  1. reduce your stress
  2. lower your heart rate
  3. improve your digestion
  4. improve your memory
  5. stimulate your creativity
  6. increase your attention
  7. increase your alertness
  8. increase your performance
  9. help with muscle recovery
  10. strengthen your immune system
  11. give you a boost of energy!

Our advice for this session n°5:

Leave yourself alone 😄 In the previous days, we have given you several tips and techniques. Today, we invite you to create your own session, simply by listening to yourself and thinking about your well-being as a priority.

After your nap, notice how you feel. If this works for you, congratulations! You have found a simple way to improve your daily life and your health . If not, adjust the time, environment, or relaxation techniques until you find what works for you!

Thanks so much for playing the Nap Week Game. We sincerely hope that this short experience will have allowed you to see the many benefits of a mid-day break and that you will integrate the flash nap into your routine.

All our advice for integrating the benefits of a nap into your daily life:

Day 1 - Start of the flash nap adventure

Day 2 – Finding the perfect timing for your flash nap

Day 3 – Create an ideal cocoon for your flash nap

Day 4 - Master breathing and relaxation for an optimal nap

Day 5 - Take a moment just for you

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