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Article: Finale of “My invention is worth gold” at the Paris fair

Finale de « Mon invention vaut de l’or » à la foire de Paris

Finale of “My invention is worth gold” at the Paris fair

Selected by M6 experts to go to the final

On June 12 , our Isidor car pillow, for which a patent has been filed, was selected to participate in the final of “ My invention is worth gold ”. It was from among 1000 applications that we were selected to participate in this show, then during our demonstration with Jérôme Bonaldi, Erika Delattre and Emmanuelle Rivassoux we were 25 candidates selected to continue the adventure.

The Paris fair and the Lépine competition

It was during the Paris fair and in the heart of the Lépine competition hall that we had the chance to have a stand and this time to meet the experts from the major brand to present our invention to them. A simple invention but which does not yet exist, and which we hope will appeal to many French people when traveling by car for vacations, weekends or even carpooling which is becoming more and more common.

A decisive final

It is during this final that you will finally know if the big brand has chosen us to be listed on its e-commerce site! An opportunity dreamed of by young companies like us because it represents great orders and an incredible boost.

We'll see you tomorrow, Thursday July 11, to encourage us and find out the outcome of this adventure!

Laurent, we feel that you gave everything 😀

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