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Article: Integrate naps into your daily life in 5 days: a practical guide - DAY 2

Intégrez la sieste dans votre quotidien en 5 jours : un guide pratique - JOUR 2

Integrate naps into your daily life in 5 days: a practical guide - DAY 2

D2 - Find the ideal moment

The timing of your flash nap is decisive for a successful experience and full benefit of the benefits of the nap. Ideally, choose a time slot between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. , when afternoon fatigue begins to set in. Make sure you have a 10 to 20 minute break available in your schedule. Block out this time each day for your flash nap and make it non-negotiable.

For this second session, here are our tips:

  1. Don't focus on your experience yesterday. Every day is different.
  2. Carefully recreate the favorable conditions (time, place, telephone switched off, alarm set) and do not hesitate to adjust, if you feel the need, the duration of your flash nap.
  3. Prioritize relaxing your entire body.
  4. Strive to complete the duration you have chosen. This is your moment. It is precious and remember that it is very small! 10 minutes is time for a coffee break.
  5. After this second nap, try to compare your first two sessions. Did you feel a difference? Maybe fewer thoughts, more relaxation in the body?

See you tomorrow for the 3rd session!

Did you know ?

More than 88% of mammals have polyphasic sleep , meaning they sleep several times during the day. This has also been the case for humans for a very long time. In fact, it is since the industrial revolution and in particular the arrival of artificial lighting in homes that we have moved into a unique time of rest ! But if we think about it carefully, with a good night's sleep of 8 hours, we are still asking our body to last 16 hours straight without a break!

All our advice for integrating the benefits of a nap into your daily life:

Day 1 - Start of the flash nap adventure

Day 2 – Finding the perfect timing for your flash nap

Day 3 – Create an ideal cocoon for your flash nap

Day 4 - Master breathing and relaxation for an optimal nap

Day 5 - Take a moment just for you

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