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Vos avis positifs, notre récompense quotidienne !

Your positive reviews, our daily reward!

Every day we discover the reviews you leave on our products , and we are so happy to read you. Your enthusiasm and satisfaction encourage us and become our daily booster in this adventure! Our pillows do you good, and that means that our mission, our work, is bearing fruit!

More than 450 of you have given us 5 stars, and many of you are no longer on your first order. It’s a real joy for us, THANK YOU!

You are the first to testify to the quality and conformity of our products between the photos on the website and the cushions that arrive in your mailboxes. But that's not all ! You are also our best ambassadors and you have no shortage of words to describe all of Petits Cadors pillows. A quick overview of the comments you left us....

Our nomadic pillow concept has won you over

To our greatest happiness, you were won over by our concept both for its originality and for its quality.

_ “Ingenious idea, approved by the family” Valérie tells us,
_ “What a wonderful idea!!!” ,
_ “Beautiful achievement made in France! Well done !!!" congratulates us Sandrine.

You appreciate our way of supporting you

We want to be responsive and provide advice , we are a company on a human scale and the satisfaction of our customers is essential for us! Our efforts seem to be paying off:

_ “Very responsive and pleasant customer service” Bérengère tells us,
_ “Muriel and Laurent are extremely available and responsive!” comments Bénédicte.

You appreciate our reachability and our kindness and we are grateful to you. You are also not indifferent to the special care that is given to each shipment, each packaging and each pillow. Our quality policy also includes this.

You have married the comfort of our cushions

Our portable pillows are specially designed to optimize your comfort when you want to rest, and many of you say that this relieves your neck pain and reduces your migraines !

_ "A real pleasure to travel I have traveled by car several times since this purchase and it is a real plus for taking a little nap in the car, so much so that my passenger tends to sleep before even arriving on the highway 😉” reveals Alexandre!
_ "A real discovery for my children who always had their heads tossed from one side to the other during naps in the car. With Petits CADORS they really rest and even appreciate the somewhat cuddly side of their new companion road."

_ “Isidor, Téodor, same fight: impeccable comfort!” assures CHRISTINE,
_ “A nap in the car almost like in a bed: rested and without “stiff neck” at the end of the (small) journey!”
_ “It perfectly supports my neck” about Salvador Ibiza.
_ “Extra! It changed my car life!”
_ “What a surprise to discover such comfort!!!” says Alice, a follower of Salvador Sydney.
_ “The Téodor cushion provides comfortable head support to carry out our favorite activities: reading, watching a film or taking a nap. Its supple and soft padding is ideal.” comments Cécile.

Mission accomplished ! Comfort is the ultimate goal of our creations, seeing you attest to it in such a positive way pushes us to take our concept ever further.

You fell for the patterns

We choose patterns and colors according to our desires, trends and seasons. The design of our pillows is unique (registered model / patent registered) and we pay a lot of attention to the patterns and fabrics selected.

Our different models of cushions represent a unique universe, Téodor Brocéliande , named after the mythical forest present in many novels, will be the ideal companion for your reading moments. Ghislaine speaks of this model as a “little marvel of design” .
Our very pop Salvador Waikiki, inspired by the works of the iconic Andy Warhol, will be perfect for a vacation dedicated to sun and fun! “Fantastic little pillow, practical, with colors that give you bananas🍌” Delphine tells us!
For Sandrine, our famous Palavas model is her "Madeleine de Proust. Eco-friendly comfort and souvenir 🤩"
We are happy that you like our creations and accompany you in your daily life.

You are sensitive to our French manufacturing

Beyond the comfort and aesthetics of our cushions, you share our commitment to French companies . Supporting local industry to boost our territory is part of our vocation and seeing that you are concerned about making a responsible purchase encourages us. 100% of our cushions are made in France at a distance of less than 200km between manufacturing and packaging of the finished product. Many of you have told us about it:

_ “Very satisfied with a useful & pleasant product, made in France” comments Alice
_ Yannick tells us: “Very happy with the product, thank you for your French products too!!”
_ And Lucile also loves the concept: “I like the idea, I like French manufacturing.”
_ "Offered for Mother's Day, little Salvador was all the rage! The "made in France" aspect appealed! I think we're going to have to offer it to the whole family!!" says Marie-Laure

You find slogans for us!

Your opinions are sometimes as funny as they are inspiring, and we wanted to put them in the spotlight...

_ “I love my Teodor!” Chloe said.
_ “I dreamed it, you made it (and my husband gave it to me)!” confides Diane
_ “To try it is to adopt it and never leave it!” says Anouk
_ “Golden naps!” comments Solveig

No doubt, you are our favorite juries 😍 ! A big THANK YOU for sharing your feedback with us!

👉 To view all the reviews, click here!

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