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Article: Ludilabel x Petits Cadors

Ludilabel x Petits Cadors

Ludilabel x Petits Cadors

2 brands Made In Toulouse!

Like us, Ludilabel is located in the Toulouse region, proximity requires, we wanted to organize a collaboration during the month of February where you had the opportunity to participate in two competitions on our Instagram and Facebook networks. We'll tell you a little more about this brand to help you discover it!

Ludilabel, from a need, was born an idea.

A few years ago, the desire was born to offer a wide range of practices and pretty labels to mark children's belongings. Because it must be admitted, there is nothing more painful than preparing for the start of school or a school trip! So instead of spending 3 hours marking all the children's accessories and clothes, use labels instead and take the opportunity to have a great time with them 😉

The brand always stays on course towards novelty!

It's been twelve years now since Ludilabel was born. Manufacturers of fun and durable labels and stickers, they delight children and parents alike! The designs are created either by their graphic designers, in-house, or they draw from our children's heroes (Paw Patrol, Disney, etc.).

A CSR comparable to ours.

Raw materials, ecological inks, ... The quality of creation guarantees the durability of the product. In addition, all labels and stickers are made in Toulouse, in their workshop. Like us, wanting to limit the carbon impact, they opted for a local economy!

We'll let you discover the smart labels that will save you time at the start of the school year or for your children's vacations.

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