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ELLIPSE, déclaré “Meilleur coussin haut de gamme” par Selectos ⭐

ELLIPSE, declared “Best high-end cushion” by Selectos ⭐

ELLIPSE the travel cushion tested and approved by Selectos !

Selectos comparator experts recently tested several travel cushions to determine which were the best on the market. They spent 17 hours comparing 30 travel cushion models and testing 10 of them ! And it is with joy that we announce that Ellipse, our special cushion for sleeping on planes/trains, has triumphed with its good quality: support and comfort guaranteed !

"Its ecological design, its beautiful colors, its general comfort and its easy maintenance make it very interesting to us. The integrated blindfold is a plus for your eyes and for support. "

Material, design, portability, nothing has escaped the discerning eye of these experts. Ellipse, with its recycled fiber, its transport carabiner (which makes life easier) and its different colors, has made a difference!

ELLIPSE best travel cushion by Petits Cadors

But who are “ Selectos ”?

Leader of online comparators on the French-speaking market, they help us make the best choice among a multitude of products. On their site, you will find more than 500 comparative articles, subject to reliable tests on products of all kinds (beauty, leisure, household appliances, etc.).

Choosing the right travel cushion for a good stay has become essential. And Selectos recommends Ellipse .

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